Hi there! A few people have asked, so I thought now is as good a time as any to provide some background around the name of Spiral Findings.
I’m huge into note-taking. I love new notebooks and pens. Office supply stores are my favorite kind of store to visit. I was reminded of this love while reading Gretchen Rubin’s book The Happiness Project where she remarks on her passion for note-taking. I can totally relate!
Learning for me always involved some version reading or learning something from a teacher and taking notes off that information. Without this note-taking, I was never able to grasp the concept completely. The process of capturing that information on paper made the knowledge stick. My endless supply of colored pens made the process of note-taking so much more fun and definitely served the purpose of keeping me awake in the more uninspiring classes.
Another inspiration for the word spiral came from an interview given by Theresa Schwenkler in her Year of Enough series. One of her interviewers mentioned this concept of spiral learning. They talked about how unlike learning math or english, other types of learning were not as linear, and in fact were somewhat spiral in nature. Once you learn how to add two numbers, you know how to do it; however when you are learning things about yourself or perhaps about your spirituality, how you wanted to live your life, or what types of relationships you want to have, or any number of more complex topics with a noted human component, there is more of a peeling of the proverbial onion that happens. In some cases, you may learn something out of one relationship, or repeat that experience for many relationships, until you learn from it. In my research, I came across this article on the spiral of growth which helped me learn about this concept.
So this blog is really a place for me to share some things I’ve learned (and probably taken some notes on) with the hopes that it might be helpful to you. Its also a lot more structured than the hours of conversations I’ve had with friends about these topics. I think the content for this site will probably be around things I’ve learned about work, productivity, and living deliberately. I intend on linking to sites that helped me along in my process of learning.
Thanks so much for joining me on this journey!