I’m not all about advertising. I think it makes sense to connect people with things that they need and build a genuine relationship between the provider and the user. Over the last few months, I’ve been paying extra attention to how many different ways I get bombarded with advertising. It’s a wonder any of us have any discretionary income because we are told to buy a new car, get that specialty luxurious spa treatment, go to this restaurant tomorrow, and make our teeth whiter with this toothpaste, all before we get out of bed in the morning. It is really exhausting when you start paying attention to it. Not to mention the message it sends that we need more stuff or aren’t good enough the way we are.
For your convenience and mine, there are no ads on my page. I did sign up as an Amazon Affiliate, so if you see a hyperlink for a book I mention, it links right to Amazon where you can purchase the item. Should your heart desire, feel free to use those links if you are interested in those products.
For those of you who have websites of your own, I recommend looking into Amazon’s program.
So far I haven’t gotten good traction using the Amazon Affliate program because I don’t have tons of subscribers, which is totally fine with me, but doesn’t help Amazon so we disabled my account. The links I provide will no longer be connected with my account – just regular, plain ol’ links. It’s probably better this way anyway. 🙂