Yesterday I had an absolutely lovely day. I had a nice, slow start to the day, met up with some lovely friends – we had some great conversation and went exploring which was SOOOO much fun! Later in the evening I got to thinking, oh no, I haven’t done my post for the day, but I spent the day enjoying time with friends and being deliberate in doing things that were important to me. I think that’s what matters. The creative process is important, but I want to make sure that I’m not forcing myself to do something at the expense of other things that I value deeply – connection with friends and exploring.
So for the weekends while I’m doing this project, I think I’m going to lump Saturday and Sunday into one post. I think that’s the framework that will work best for me. I think it is important for us to realize that not everyone has the same experiences or values and bending the things we learn to work for us better is part of integrating new ideas into our life. Sometimes I forget this and I’m glad I had the ability to learn this again through this project. Some days I might just share a story or a picture, and that’s good enough too. 🙂
Have you started a 100 day project? If so, what boundaries or framework have you put into place that make the project for you?
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