I’ve already failed at my 100 days project. I’m something like a week in and I’ve already failed to do 100 days in a row. Last week was super crazy, and I tried to do my best, but I was too tired to do my blog posts. I started to relax the rules and just use an instagram post as a sign that I had done something. Maybe I’m not good at “musts” like this or daily practices that have defined rules that can’t be bent. If i’m too tired, and it’s 1am, it’s probably ok that I chose sleep versus writing a blog post. Maybe a journal entry is sufficient to promote my writing practice and not everything has to be online. That reminds of something Tammy Strobel taught during her Write to Flourish course. She covers the topic of how to determine what is public content versus private content. I think it’s important for me to explore a blogging practice, but not everything has a place in a public forum. I’m still fleshing out what makes sense to share publicly versus leave safely tucked away in my personal offline world.
How do you refocus and encourage yourself after you experience some kind of failure, even if it’s minor or just a perception of failure? Are you forgiving or do you try to catch up somehow/turn into Mr. or Ms. Fix It?
Do you have a writing or blogging practice? What’s your method for sifting out topics for your blog versus content you want to keep to yourself or for offline conversations only?
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